Foods That Burn Fat and Are Good For Your Health

Eating foods that burn fat has long been advocated as a way to lose weight, but do they really work? Studies show that many people are better off just changing their habits and staying away from fad diets when it comes to losing weight. One way to make this happen is to change the foods that you eat on a daily basis. Eating healthy and exercising regularly will help you lose weight, but if you aren't eating healthy foods and you eat a lot of unhealthy food, all of those other changes won't matter as much.

Eat foods that burn fat like quinoa, and there's no doubt you'll see results. This low-calorie grain was a popular "miracle food" in the 1970s because of its high-quality proteins and fiber content. It didn't help with weight loss in the long term, but it sure did give long-term improvements in your health. As one study after another revealed, those who ate quinoa on a regular basis not only had longer, stronger muscles but also felt significantly less hungry than those who didn't eat the grain.

Eat enough sleep. This one goes hand in hand with the previous tip. If you are asking yourself "how much sleep do I need to lose weight?" then you're probably not getting enough sleep, even though it might be summer time. You see, when you skip a night or two of sleep, your body starts storing the calories as body fat.

Eat more foods that boost your metabolism. Olive oil contains high-quality antioxidants, which are able to boost your metabolism so that you can burn off calories faster. Apples are another great choice, as are berries. Nuts are also good choices that help your body burn calories faster.

Use whole grains and fiber. A lot of people think that by cutting back on carbohydrates that they will lose fat. However, carbs are not the only source of energy for your body. Whole grains and fiber are able to burn calories and keep you from getting hungry throughout the day.

Eat foods that burn fats. There are some foods that are able to increase your metabolism and burn fat at the same time. Eating blueberries instead of other types of berries is one way to get a boost in metabolism. Eating lean red meats like chicken is another, since chicken contains high-quality protein.

Exercise more. Exercising each day can help raise your energy levels so that you can have more energy throughout the day. Exercise can also raise your production of human growth hormone which will allow you to lose more fat. A high HGH level in the body means that you will be able to burn fat more efficiently.

Eat blood oranges every day. According to a popular blog called Mom 101, the acai berry from Brazil is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your body use fat burning enzymes. Blood oranges also contain high levels of fiber. It is a good source of essential fatty acids. In fact, it contains twice the amount of olive oil when it is crushed.

Eat full-fat Greek yoghurt every day. A study published in the journal Heart Lung did a study using lab mice. They gave them a diet that was low in protein and calorie rich. After two weeks, the mice who were fed with full-fat Greek yoghurt showed more fat burning activity than those who were fed with a control group. This study clearly shows that eating full-fat Greek yoghurt can help increase your metabolism rate, as well as boost the burning of fat.

Eat plenty of sweet potatoes. According to the book "The Diet Solution," by Michael Allen, sweet potatoes are the secret fat burner. Sweet potatoes contain complex carbohydrates that help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in your intestines. Therefore, they will not remain in your intestines for a long period of time and consequently will not stay stored in your body as fat.

Eat more fruits. Fruits are rich in natural fibers that help your body lose weight. They also help burn calories. In addition, research showed that fruits contain a lot of antioxidants that help stop fat from being deposited in different parts of the body. This is the reason why people who eat a lot of fruits are less likely to gain weight.

Eat more blueberries and peppers. Blueberries and peppers contain a type of berry known as pectin, which is a powerful ingredient for weight loss. Pectin is made of chains of glucose and fructose attached to its end. When these chains are broken down in your stomach, it will release a powerful insulin into your bloodstream.
