Four Healthy Foods That Burn Calories

Plenty of research points to almonds as one of nature s best fat-burning foods that burn fat. Chalk it up to their high fiber, their protein, and especially their good fats, which will boost the body's sensitivity to insulin, aiding in weight loss. And its not just the weight loss benefits of almonds that are impressive: according to Harvard neurologist Marie Pasinski, MD, the health benefits of eating the nut "go beyond simply keeping you healthy." She notes that almonds are loaded with nutrients, particularly folic acid, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin A. Also, almonds contain an abundance of antioxidants, folate, calcium, iron, and protein which mean they help keep you feeling good.

Another surprising fact about these little calorie foods is how little they actually take up in our bodies. While many foods burn a lot of calories, very few actually burn all that much! By eating foods that burn fat, you'll not only get rid of those excess pounds, but you'll also improve your health. Because the food burns calories so quickly and efficiently, when you consume it you won't feel hungry for quite a while--and that's a good thing!

Almonds are full of fatty acids, including those that are not fat. In fact, they have 4 times more polyunsaturated fat than red meat, and 8 times more polyunsaturated fat than fish. They are loaded with vitamin E, to reduce stress hormones, and they contain significant amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, fiber, thiamine, and niacin. If you eat two ounces of unsweetened almond milk every day, you'll lower your total body fat percentage by nearly five pounds!

Oatmeal is an excellent choice, too. You can eat it as a snack or in the morning on a bagel. The health benefits of oatmeal are numerous, including high fiber and protein levels. You can eat enough oatmeal each day to maintain a healthy weight if you bake it into bread. For breakfast, try slices of whole-wheat oatmeal with a glass of skim-milk yogurt topped with a few fresh berries or fruits.

Quinoa, too, contains high-quality proteins, good fats and carbohydrates, but none of the saturated fats that we are all becoming intolerant to. One study says that eating at least four ounces of quinoa daily reduces your chances of getting diabetes, while another says it lowers your chances of heart disease. No matter how you eat it, you'll be eating quinoa without causing problems. It has a high concentration of both calcium and potassium, as well, so it's easy to make quinoa a part of your healthy diet.

Blueberries are also wonderful to eat, especially the red varieties. In one study, blueberries helped people lose weight. In another, they were found to lower cholesterol and prevent clogged arteries. The antioxidants in blueberries help fight free radicals in our bodies. So, eating several blueberries a day should help you live a longer, healthier life.

Citrus fruits have long been promoted as great foods that burn fat because they contain natural antioxidants that fight off cells that damage the body. One study reports that drinking half a cup of orange juice each day reduces bad cholesterol and improves circulation. Another study says that eating three ounces of lemon juice each day helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. An entire grapefruit a day, along with exercise, can help you lose more than seven pounds in a short period. Eating oranges and grapes may contribute to weight loss because they are high in natural fibers and antioxidants.

Vegetables are good for you. Some studies report that adding vegetables to your diet to help you lose weight. However, some research indicates that vegetables may not actually contribute to weight loss. The reason is that vegetables contain a lot of water, which makes them feel heavier than they really are. As well, when you eat a variety of vegetables, you are less likely to wind up eating a bunch of foods that burn calories, because you are getting different flavors from each vegetable.
