How to Melt Belly Fat

Burning belly fat is a major problem that worsens with age. In fact, excess weight around your midsection can make you look older than you actually are. Many people want to get rid of belly fat, but aren't sure how to do it. Luckily, there are many easy-to-do ways to lose stubborn belly fat that you won't be able to find in any magazine or commercial on television.

burn belly fat

* Cardio Exercise - There are several cardio exercises that help burn belly fat and raise your heart rate. These exercises include running, cycling, swimming, and aerobic dancing. These cardiovascular exercises are excellent for burning calories. It also helps to increase your heart rate helping you burn more calories. Some people even combine multiple cardiovascular exercises to lose more weight overall.

* Diet - Adding green tea to your diet can help you burn belly fat faster. The Chinese have been drinking green tea for thousands of years. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease. It also helps you lose weight. The best foods to eat rich in antioxidants include: blackberries, strawberries, and prunes.

* Abs Exercises - Abdominal leg raises and crunches are both excellent exercises to burn belly fat quickly. Leg raises will strengthen your abs and oblique muscles helping you build those muscles you want. Crunches will help you achieve flat abs. Both exercises burn fat in your waist. Some people believe that leg raises and crunches can hurt your knees, but they are very safe. The best exercises to help you burn belly fat fast are: hanging knee raises, lying leg raises, and incline sit ups.

* Eating Habits - One of the fastest ways to burn belly fat is to change your eating habits. You need to learn to reduce your intake of carbohydrates, sweets, and processed foods. If you cannot resist chocolates, then you will need to learn to cut them out of your diet.

* Workouts - To speed up your weight gain and burn belly fat, you must practice intense workouts. Three to four hours of intense workouts each week is necessary for effective fat burning. Choose cardio workouts that do not require a lot of equipment or time. You can increase your metabolism with squats, push ups, chin ups, and circuit training. To lose inches from your waist, you must choose exercises that will help you burn calories and lose weight quickly.

* Products - There are a variety of products on the market today that can aid in weight gain and help you burn belly fat at home. For example, you can use hoodia gordonii extract, green tea extract, and green tea powder to lose inches around your waist. These products contain all the essential ingredients necessary for effective weight gain and belly burning. The most popular product on the market today is called green tea extract. Many people have successfully used green tea extract to lose inches around their waist.

* Diet - The most important element to burn calories and melt belly fat is in your diet. When you are hungry, your metabolism picks up. This means that you will need more calories to function at your maximum efficiency. To keep your metabolism operating at maximum efficiency, make sure you watch what you eat and how much of those calories you consume. Stay away from foods that contain a lot of empty calories, such as sugars, grains, and breads. Instead, focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables each day and drink high blood sugar free tea.
